Unit 3: Performing Fashion
10/25 Art and the Museum
>>> “Fashion is the art that, in its proximity to the body, comes to be understood as supplemental and purely decorative. But fashion is now marked by its increasing ambivalence, as Elizabeth Wilson writes: ‘when we dress we wear inscribed upon our bodies the obscure relationship of art, personal psychology and the social order.’”
–Rizvana Bradley.
- Svendsen, Lars. “Fashion and Art,” Fashion: A Philosophy. 90-110. OCRA* Note the entire e-book is available here. You are assigned the chapter "Fashion and Art."
- Benjamin, Walter. “Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility.” OCRA
- Museums and Fashion
- Yinka Shonibare: 1. New York Times article (including slideshow), 2. Check out http://www.yinkashonibarembe.com, and 3. watch the first 15 minutes of Art:21 about Shonibare.
- Page through the site for Alexander McQueen Savage Beauty show at the Met.
- Chadwick, Whitney. Review of Couture Culture. Art Bulletin, 86.2(2004): 384-388. OCRA
10/27 HALLOWEEN! Costume
- Monks, Aoife. Introduction and Chapter 1 from Actor in Costume. 1-33.
- “Introduction” from Theatricality. Eds. Tracy C. Davis and Thomas Postlewait. 2003.
Tour of Brown University Costume Shop
*assign final paper
11/1 Subculture
- Hebdige, Dick, “Style” in Fashion Theory Reader, 255-265.
- Mulvey, Laura. “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema.”
- Look through Ted Polhemus Street Style, on reserve at Rock.
- Spooner, Catherine. “Undead Fashion: Nineties Style and the Perennial Return of Goth,” GOTH: Undead Subculture.143-154.
- Articles about the Lo Lifes: 1.threadbared.wordpress.com
- 2. at The Guardian.
- 3. documentary trailer
*Photo assignment #7: HALLOWEEN
11/3 Subculture 2
- Kawamura, Yuniya. “Japanese Teens as Producers.” Packet/OCRA
- Groom, Amelia, “Power Play and Performance in Harajuku,” New Voices v.4, 188-212. Packet/OCRA
- Owens, Craig. “Posing,” in Beyond Recognition. OCRA
- Look through Fruits and Fresh Fruits, on reserve at Rock.
11/8 Representing Fashion (or, are there other ways to consume fashion than wearing it?)
- Duggan, Ginger. “Greatest Show on Earth” in Fashion Theory. Googledocs
- Gambrell, Alice. “You’re Beautiful When You’re Angry: Fashion Magazines and Recent Feminisms” OCRA
- Disability/Fashion Photography: 1. Fashionista.com,
- 2. Oscar Pistorius at NYT
- Aimee Mullins on Accessible Design. "You know Aimee, you're very attractive. You don't look disabled."
- Come back to Owens "Posing."
11/10 Blogging
- Peruse at length a few fashion blogs, for example:
- Style Rookie, Sartorialist, Anna Dello Rosso, StyleBubble, Bryanboy, Fashiontoast, etc.
- “People Dress So Badly Nowadays” shared via Google docs
- Debord, Guy. From Society of the Spectacle. OCRA
*Photo Assignment #8
11/15 Fashion on TV
With guest discussant, Hunter Hargraves.
- “Project Runway” Season 8, episode 10. (You have to find episode 10 on the list and choose a streaming site.)
- “RuPaul’s Drag Race” Season 1, episode 4.
- Hargraves, Hunter. “You Better Work: The Commodification of HIV in RuPaul’s Drag Race” in Race, Sexuality and Television. Fall 2011. 24-34.
*Photo Assignment #9: final project
11/22 Makeover
- “What Not to Wear” Season 8, episode 38. (http://www.free-tv-video-online.me/player/megavideo.php?id=368RM38R&md=d)
- “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” season 2, episode 2. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMMamkba2PI)
- Cohan, Steve. “Queer Eye for the Straight Guise.” Interrogating Postfeminism: Gender and the Politics of Popular Culture. OCRA
- Roberts, Martin, “The Fashion Police: Governing the Self in What Not to Wear.” Interrogating Postfeminism: Gender and the Politics of Popular Culture. OCRA
*Final paper/project proposals and bibliographies due
11/29 Wrap Up—So what is Fashion and what is Performance?
*Paper drafts due
12/8 Optional class or individual meetings: reading week
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