Thursday, October 6, 2011


MIDTERM ASSIGNMENT: DUE OCTOBER 25, hard copy turned in at class.

We have been discussing how clothing and fashion help to fix or express or create personal identity, but as Elizabeth Wilson puts it, "Clothing marks an unclear boundary ambiguously" (2). The dictionary definition of identity is about self-sameness, fixity, unchanging features, but theorists and philosophers of the last fifty or so years have questioned the notion that identity is a solid, singular entity. Judith Butler, for example, suggests that identity in fact exists only in its execution of actions-- in performance-- "a stylized repetition of acts" (154).

As a means of summing up our wide ranging discussions on the topic of identity, go back to a specific example that interested you-- it might be a type of clothing, a fad, a tendency, it might come from one of your photo responses, it could be something new from beyond what we've already talked about. Using the theories and class discussions we've had so far, analyze your specific object in depth. Make a strong and specific claim and come to a conclusion about how your example is functioning in relation to identity and performance.

4-6 pages, double-spaced. (Note this is shorter than originally assigned)
The difference between this assignment and a regular response is formality. This is a short, but formal research and theory paper, whereas responses take a variety of formats. I will be looking for strength and clarity of argument, careful editing, and use of a standard citation method (your choice: Chicago, MLA, etc). Use quotations from readings and paraphrases from class to elucidate your argument.

Add to the end of your essay an evaluation (1-2 pages) of how you feel the class is going. What lingering questions do you have? What is working about the class? What do you want more of? What doesn't work in your opinion? For example, would you prefer reincorporation of alternative methods of discussion (like small groups? sharing of responses?)

Spend one paragraph on self evaluation. How are you engaging and preparing for class? What do you want to work more on? What are the specific challenges you are facing?

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