Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Photo Assignment #9, November 17.

Due by 2:20pm Thursday Nov 17, in lieu of class.

Everyone should read through all posts before next Tuesday’s class. Now’s your chance to check out what your peers are planning to work on.

Post a photo and tell us a little about your plan for your final project. This isn’t too formal: how’d you get to this topic? Explore some of the theoretical approaches you anticipate using to explicate the issue. One substantive paragraph about how your plan is developing.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Photo Assignment #8, DATE CHANGE Nov. 10, Thurs

Take a look at a fashion blog (this could be one of the assigned ones, or a different one)-- choose a picture that sparks a thought about what's going on here.
Performance of self? Analyze the blog in one of the terms we've been discussing: identity created through commodity/consumption? Performance of age, subculture, gender, sexuality? (And how those things are enacted through commodity...)

What might Guy Debord say about the phenomenon of the fashion blog? Is it the apotheosis of the Society of the Spectacle, or might self-fashioning and self-publication function as detournement? What do you think?